Is one great tattoo idea the only thing that’s stopping you from getting a tattoo today…?
Are you frustrated by the lack of high quality tattoo designs online?
…Then read on, because in this post I’m going to reveal the source where I find all of my tattoo inspiration PLUS how to come up with an idea for that perfect “head-turning” tattoo you’ve always wanted.
But first, let’s get a few things straight:
FACT: The reason you’re NOT finding the type of quality tattoo designs you’re looking for online is because the artists who draw tattoo designs for a living would never share their best work online for free.
FACT: Most of the tattoo gallery membership sites online are scams that are simply charging for access to the same tattoos you’ll find when performing a simple Google Image search.
FACT: Most people find the idea for their tattoo in the binders or on the wall of their local tattoo shop. Do not make this mistake. It’s very likely that you’ll end up with the same tattoo as someone else.
The Two Critical Criteria Your Tattoo Has to Meet (or You Risk Regretting it Later)

The key is to get a tattoo that is original and unique. It should be a personal thing that has some kind of meaning to you.
If you decide to get the standard “tramp stamp” or “tribal-around-the-arm-tattoo” you’re setting yourself up for disaster and will almost certainly regret it at some point.
You want your tattoo to meet two critical criteria to make sure you do not regret it later:
It should be unique
It should have some kind of meaning to you – hidden or not
How to Get a Unique Tattoo and Where to Find High-Quality Tattoo Designs & Ideas
There are really only two ways I can recommend if you want a truly unique tattoos:
Option 1: Hire an artist to draw a unique tattoo for you based on your description.
This is a great option IF you can find the right artist. The downside is you’ll probably have to spend anywhere from $100 to $300+ to hire a decent artist for the job.
PLUS, getting the artist to fully grasp what it is that you want can be very, very tricky, especially over the phone or via email.
Important Note: I have received emails in response to this article from people arguing that having your artist draw the tattoo is the best option. I would highly advise against this. I have seen far too many people regretting their tattoo because they felt stressed and pressured by the artist into getting a tattoo they didn’t want.
Also, many people end up with tattoos they’re not a 100% happy with because they feel forced to make a quick decision or don’t want to waste the artist’s time by telling him/her to make multiple changes to the drawing.
The bottom line: The decision on what tattoo to get shouldn’t been taken lightly and should definitely not be made in the tattoo studio. That’s one of the reasons I like Option #2 here below so much…
Option 2: Use (recommended for most people):
- The ONLY Tattoo Gallery Site I Can Happily and Wholeheartedly Recommend
The most attractive option for most people is to use a site called, which has the best and largest collection of tattoo designs, photos and ideas I’ve seen online. And you can browse them all in the comfort of your own home.
PLUS, all designs are a 100% unique to TattooMeNow (they’re designed by their own world-class “in-house” artists).
I have checked out most of the tattoo sites out there, and as I mentioned above, most of them have simply collected a bunch of tattoos from other sites and put a price on them. Not only will this not help you, it is simply bad business and illegal.
Here are just some of the features that TattooMeNow offers:
- TONS of world-class tattoo designs (including stencils)
- Photo Galleries
- Inspiration Gallery™
- “Tattoo Add-on” Gallery
- ‘EPIC Tattoo of the Day’
- Tattoo Lettering Generator
- Tattoo Editing Tools
- Ask the Artist!
All these designs, inspiration & tools PLUS the possibility to get feedback from both members & real artists offers you the opportunity to come up with some truly unique tattoo ideas.
TattooMeNow has over 60,000 members and growing and is the most popular tattoo gallery site online.
It’s not for everyone though…
If you’d rather pick a generic tattoo off the walls of your local tattoo studio OR you already have a clear idea of exactly what you want and a few hundred bucks to invest in a custom design, then TattooMeNow is probably NOT for you…
On the other hand… if you still haven’t quite figured out what tattoo you want, would benefit from getting access to some of the best tattoo designs, photos and tools out there and would love to get a unique, meaningful tattoo…then TattooMeNow is definitely for you.
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