Lettering tattoos are very popular and along with color and design, another way to add a very special touch to those lettering tattoos is select from the many different styles of fonts for tattoos available. Some of the more popular and appropriate fonts for tattoos for different styles of lettering tattoos will be discussed below.
Fonts for Tattoos
The Abbeyline font is one of the fonts found in the calligraphy family. This font is very appropriate for lettering tattoos that are more hold more of a serious meaning. Names of your children, spiritual quotes, bible quotes, would all look great in this font.
When considering Fonts for your tattoos you want to consider readability. This font is called Gringo Nights. As you can see it is a little difficult to read but under certain circumstances would be absolutely appropriate. Picture this Font under a cartoonish coyote roadrunner type tattoo or possibly even a tribal tattoo.
This Font is called Chinese takeaway. It is one of the easier to read Asian style fonts for tattoos. If you’d like to use Asian fonts in your lettering tattoos but not the actual Japanese or Chinese characters, this would be a great font. If you have a Quote by Confucius or another great Asian philosopher this might be the font to use because it’s definitely readable.
This Font is called 256 bytes. For you computer geeks out there and there are plenty asking for tattoos these days, this might be the font for your tattoo. It’s bold, readable and would look great with anything computer related. Picture is underneath a barcode tattoo or with any saying that has to do with the technological world.
For you lovers of Latin sayings, this font is called Justinian. ad honorem for instance means “at the Honor” and is an example of using this font for Latin phrases.
For you fans of the gruesome, horror, gothic, and just plain scary body art that requires some lettering in the tattoo this is a fabulous font. It’s called Pillbox Opaque. A little difficult to read but once you get used to it; not so bad. It also would be a good font for you Wiccan practitioner’s out there. It just seems to have that feel; doesn’t it?
All fonts have the possibility of adding color or being inked in color but the font lends itself especially well to color. This font is called Yold Angelican. For spectacularly elaborate tattoos relating to this time era or for lettering tattoos that include quotes from this era, a shorter quote in color with this black outline would look great!
For Graffiti Body art fans we will illustrate two font styles. This font is called Degrassi. Quite nice and lends itself to color. The Second Style Just Slightly Different is called Graffiti Treat. Is it an accident they were created to be filled with color? I doubt it? Isn’t color what Graffiti is all about?
Boyz are Gross NF is the actual name of this font. However it is a classic font style that has been around in the craft world for quite awhile. What is different about it is the way the lettering creates curves as the letters form words. Look at it closely and you will notice that the letters are not the same size to create that look. If you enjoy this font and decide to use it in a lettering tattoo make sure you bring a sample and that your artist understands this concept.
This font is called Speedline. So many fonts are specialized it’s important to give an example of an interesting yet almost generic font that can be used in almost any type of lettering tattoo. This font is interesting, bold, and readable yet has enough design to hold your interest. If you choose a long quote for a back tattoo this would be a great font for your reader would not get bored with the font nor find it too difficult to read.
One more example to complete this very brief article on the thousands of fonts for tattoos available; when you find a script type font that you think you may like; test it out. The important things to remember are; readability, boldness, is there an opportunity for color if you want it, does the font fit the style of other art you might include and do you have existing body art that it will wear well with? This font is called Freestyle script and like Speedline above could go with any number of lettering tattoos from the ancient to the modern, from the serious to the comical. Have FUN with you lettering tattoos!
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