The Roman Numeral Tattoos have risen in popularity over the past few years. Not only do they create interest in the wearer and the meaning of the numbers written on the body of the wearer, but they also give the rest of us a reason to learn Roman Numerals in Math class.
They lend themselves to be emblazoned across a back, down a spine, down the outside of a leg. However, they work just as well as a small delicate affair just inside a wrist, ankle, or a small piece on the back.
There are many reasons why people may have Roman Numeral Tattoos as their tattoo of choice. It may be commemorating the date of passing a loved one or a more joyous event such as the birth of a child or a wedding anniversary.
Regardless, Roman Numeral Tattoos will remain a popular tattoo trend for years to come, guaranteed to enthuse anyone who sees one. People have adapted the design to experiment with color and font to assist in developing an individual style perfect for the wearer.
Roman Numeral Tattoo Designs & Ideas
A band of roman numerals instead of a wedding ring. There’d be absolutely NO excuses for forgetting the date in this case!
A large, dramatic chest piece that asks for attention and proclaims the importance of this date for those who wear it.

The ever petite and charming Selena Gomez…with her ever petite and charming Roman Numeral tattoo.
This tattoo combines two current trends, the tattoo across the top of the shoulders, and the Roman Numeral tattoo. It’s feminine and lovely, but could be ‘manned up’ by making the font larger.
People can put their own individual slant on their roman numeral tattoos. In this case, hollowed out letters make this one just a little bit different. Ensure you take note of your after care if choosing something like this – blurry lines will spoil the effectiveness of your lovely tattoo.

A likeable side/back piece with bold and even font. This piece is in an interesting place and the boldness of the font ensures attention, without being hampered when the arms are down by the side.

Again, a bold and larger font, along the side of the wearer, extending right down over to the upper thigh. Nice!

Just a little bit of attitude in this tattoo. Designed to make you smirk, it’s a quirky adornment to your collection of art.
A symbolic use of the roman numeral with the Infinity symbol entwined through the numbers. A wonderful idea, unique!

Another twist on a theme with the font on this piece being incredibly consistent and even the whole way down the side of the wearer.
Either a relation or a very good friend, this tattoo is a permanent marker of an important relationship. Great placement, too! But painful!

Another individual twist on the Roman Numeral tattoo. This tattoo has detailed background, appearing to enhance the importance of the numbers found within it. It’s a large piece, of obvious significance.
Roman Numeral Tattoos for Men
The most common placements for men are around the neckline or back of the neck. They also look great on the spine, behind the ear, arms, and shoulders.
Roman Numeral Tattoos Forearm
Forearm gives you a couple of choices. You can either create a band and incorporate the numerals or place the tattoo on the side or middle of your forearm, both vertically and horizontally.
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